Co Founder

About Accession
The name “Accession” means many things, including to rise or climb, to enter a position of influence, to increase in number, or to add to a collection. Our focus is on diversity, equality, support, community, and learning. Our motto is “We rise by lifting others”.

How we Started
Accession was formed after a series of events organised in 2020 to 2022, post Covid, recognising the need for connection. These events brought together people from different backgrounds with varied experiences and passions in the built environment, and they found common themes and challenges they faced. The events highlighted a sense of community and willingness to lean in and continue the conversation.

How We Work
We operate on small roundtable events, usually starting with networking drinks and a meal with discussion round table as people hear briefly from one or two speakers and then engage in open conversation under chatham house rules.

Upcoming Events

Support Accession Network
Supporting Accession is a chance for businesses and organisations to play a part in fostering diversity and offering a networking platform for professional and personal growth for their teams or colleagues. We invite partners to support us by hosting events, providing venues, offering sponsorship, and becoming headline partners to help expand our influence and reach.

If you are interested in learning more about Accession Network and making a genuine difference, please sign up with your email below: